Necromancer Talisman (Idol of Forbidden Magic) & More...
- Each level of the talisman will grant a 10% damage increase on damage of your animated dead summons.
- As your Talisman levels you will have more options for re-animation rituals.
- Carrion Essentia refers to the combined stats of a corpse (STR + INT + DEX)
- Implemented Necromancer Talisman quest:
7 World Objectives will be created which can be triggered every 4 hours, requiring 400 kills before it will spawn the miniboss.
Once the miniboss is completed all those who contributed to the objective will receive the loot from the participation chest.
- Reanimate Skeleton
- 1 Control Slot
- No Level Requirement
- Requires 150 Carrion Essentia
- Essence Reanimation will grant extra hit points and damage based on the corpse used.
- Magic Resist and Tactics will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 60)
- Wrestling will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 55)
- Reanimate Skeleton Archer
- 2 Control Slots
- Requires Level 2
- Required 150 Carrion Essentia
- Essence Reanimation will grant extra hit points and damage based on corpse used.
- Anatomy will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 100)
- Archery will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 90)
- Magic Resist will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 90)
- Wrestling and Tactics will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 75)
- Reanimate Skeleton Knight
- 2 Control Slots
- Requires Level 4
- Requires 300 Carrion Essentia
- Essence Reanimation will grant extra hit points and damage based on corpse used..
- Anatomy will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 100)
- Magic Resist will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 90)
- Tactics and Wrestling will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 75)
- Reanimate Lich
- 2 Control Slots
- Requires Level 6
- Requires 600 Carrion Essentia
- Essence Reanimation will grant extra intelligence, and damage based on corpse used.
- Magery and Meditation will be matched to the corpse used (between 90 - 120)
- Eval Int will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 100)
- Magic Resist will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 80)
- Tactics and Wrestling will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 90)
- Reanimate Skeletal Steed
- 2 Control Slots
- Requires Level 8
- Requires 400 Carrion Essentia
- Essence Reanimation will grant extra Hit points, and Damage based on the corpse used.
- Magery will be matched to the corpse used (between 50 - 90)
- Eval Int, and Magic Resist will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 80)
- Tactics and Wrestling will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 90)
- Reanimate Skeletal Dragon
- 3 Control Slots
- Requires Level 10
- Requires 1000 Carrion Essentia
- Essence Reanimation will grant extra Hit points, Intelligence, and Damage based on corpse used.
- Magery will be matched to the corpse used (between 90 - 120)
- Spirit Speak, Eval Int, and Magic Resist will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 100)
- Tactics and Wrestling will be matched to the corpse used (minimum 97)
- Carrion Rupture (Active Ability)
- This will explode the targeted corpse or reanimated dead.
- It will cause damage OR healing to nearby mobs and animated dead.
- Amount is will be the lesser of 10% of Carrion Essentia or Level * 10
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- XP Required: 8000 * Level
- Decreptify (Active Ability)
- AoE debuff which decreases dexterity of all effected mobs by Level 5 %
- Will hit an area with a range of 3
- Debuffs mobs will turn grey during this period.
- Lasts 20 seconds.
- Cooldown: 90 seconds
- XP Required: 800 * Level
- Essence Reanimation (Passive Ability)
- Increases the bonus stats grants from mobs when completing the summon ritual
- XP Required: 8000 * Level
- Essentia Tap (Passive Ability)
- Upon trigger 100% of damage dealt will heal (or grant mana to liches) to nearby animated dead.
- Cooldown: 20 seconds - Level
- Chance to trigger: 70%
- XP Required: 700 * Level
- Corpses now display different tooltips to different people. If you have a necromancer talisman equipped it will display the corpse Carrion Essentia. It will also display whether the corpse is safe to loot or not.
Other Patch Notes:
- Fixed magery bug where non-damaging debuff spells were not interrupting spells.
- Non-Tamable creatures will no longer provide passive animal taming skill gains.
- Vivify now shows up as "in use" on the active ability menu (Forever client).
- Transcendence now shows up as "in use" on the active ability menu while active (Forever client).
- Added active ability check to see if the player is in combat or in a house
- Added Rare Cloth Dye Tub (Potential reward)
- Each charge will will dye 1 piece of cloth.
- Can be used on dyed cloth to consume the cloth and refill the tub.
- A tub with 0 charges will become an empty tub, allowing it to be refilled by any color of cloth. It will retain its hue around the edges for decoration purposes.
- Added Branding Iron as a craftable item
- Requires 1000 Ingots
- Requires 80 - 100 blacksmithing.
- Default phrase to brand is "★★ Property of (NAME) ★★"
- Added World Objective System.
- System will be able to create objectives/quests that everyone in the server can work towards.
- Current implementation: It is used for the the Necro talisman quest. 7 World Objectives will be created which can be triggered every 4 hours, requiring 400 kills before it will spawn the miniboss, once the miniboss is completed all those who contributed to the objective will receive the loot from the participation chest.
- TODO: Add leader boards that can be added around the graveyards, add a gump able to display all world objectives cooldowns, finish the staff modification commands, add additional triggers like resource gathering, documenting.
- Fixed an issue with the Vivify XP formula that was giving XP for creatures that were too weak and when they didn't have enough HP.
- Changed Vivify XP to include the damage from the owner. As long as the vivify has dealt 1 damage to a target, XP will be calculated as if all damage from the owner is from the vivify.
Original Necromancer Talisman Post:
The Idol of Forbidden Magic is now obtainable!
See this post below for all the information you need.
Many moons ago in Sosaria...The Idol of Forbidden Magic is now obtainable!
See this post below for all the information you need.

“There, it is done,” the mage said, looking to the other members in the Circle of Mages.
A large chest nearby held hundreds of glowing crystals - each a piece of the dead necromancer's globe. While intact, the globe could be used to raise slain monsters. The now-dead necromancer used his power to enslave much of Sosaria until the Circle of Mages captured and killed him before shattering the Talisman of Forbidden Magic.
Too powerful to left in one piece and buried somewhere, the mages decided to break the globe and bury it within the crypts inside the graveyards around Sosaria.
Today ….
Barnaby wasn't thrilled he was chosen to clean up the Lyceum after the war of the dragons damaged the building but he knew being the newest among them it would fall to him. In one of the rooms, a wall had been knocked down. Dozens of scrolls and pages of books were strewn about the room. While picking them up, he saw the words “Forbidden Magic” and his curiosity was strong. He sat on a fallen book shelf and read about the Circle of Mages hiding the stones that once put together could reanimate dead monsters.
He ran to tell the other students and their professors.
“This does not have to be used for evil,” he said. “We can help save people and our world should dragons decide to attack once again. Or any monster that wants to destroy us. We can use the risen creatures to fight the true evil in our land. With the talisman, we can control them so they do not harm humans.”
Word spread quickly as did people wanting to learn the forbidden magic. They headed to the graveyards in search of the gems only to find them heavily guarded by the undead who remained near the crypts. However, once slain, the seeker of the forbidden magic could find the Lich who would grant them one of gems to the globe.
With 7 stones in hand, the seeker must then travel to a dark shrine where the talisman of forbidden magic will become theirs to use for good – however, there will always be those who chose to follow the ways of the evil necromancer and use it for their own gain.
As many of you know, the necromancer (Idol of Forbidden Magic) Talisman has now been released!
For those interested, you can check out both our wiki page and our short tutorial video:
Wiki Page
Tutorial Video
(Storyline by: Skye Wolfbane)
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