On a more positive note....


*please try to keep this one constuctive*

OK we are closing in on a pretty big time of the year for games. Kids are back to school, the weather will be getting cooler some of us will get snow, adults will be taking fall/winter vacations and holidays.

It seams to me like shortly befor thanksgiving (in the USA) people have more time to spend indoors.

What ideas if any does anyone have to try and grab the attention of people during this time and draw them into the world here? I figure why wait to the last minute and say "you know we should have done xxxxxxx"

So any suggestions?


Staff member
Every client of mine: Can't you just make us a viral video?

Well... can't you?
Kidding, Our website is on a viral video already


I'll put together a list of places we can spread the word if players wish to help on this. I've never really pushed for things like this. One thing that helps is uploading youtube videos of great in game content with our name and website in it (This will actually net you a lot more views in the end as well as UO FOREVER is a brand right now and is searched quiet a bit).

I'll add this to our to do list.