Old good moonstones


All of you have propably heard about moonstones in Ultima.
In original Ultima Online they used to teleport you between Trammel and Felluca long time ago.
In older single-player Ultima games, moonstones worked little bit different way. Depending on moon phase, moon Stone teleported you to moongate near different city. And this is my suggestion.

Moonstones should be lootable from some of the monsters (they can be rare or common items).
Depending on which moonphase it is (player can check it by using telescope), moonstone will open a gate which will lead to moongate near town.

All the animations (like moonstone appearing on the ground and turning info moongate) should be inside game files as it was used long time ago on official UO servers. I think it would be a great thing and bringing some more "classic" from Ultima series.

What do you think?


Ah, so there already were propositions like this...
Well... I hope that developers will implement somenthing like this. It would be really awesome :v

Thanks for letting me know