Meta trapped in another players house

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Don't have the gold, spent it all on my metaball and the meta.

Either way, it's no big deal.

When you come back, and you will be back. Go with Provo/anything so much less time consuming to lvl up and if you get PK'd it's so much easier to quickly replace some arrows/regs.


They are stronger but not by much, not by enough to make the risk vs reward of using them. I know, I got both a db and level 7 with the damaging relics.


What are you talking about? I can hunt the same things with one lvl 4 with 2 relics that take a db and ww at 6x...

signature field is blank


Hunting the same things isn't the argument. I know your not about to tell me your level 4 does the same damage as a db/ww combo. Lol


Ouch... Maybe meta's shouldn't be allowed to enter any house that the owner of the meta isn't friended or co-owned to. That is a lot of coin and time invested training for someone to just be able to steal from someone else. I dunno, I don't own a meta and I don't think I ever will so I don't know much about them other than they are expensive and take a shit load of time to level up.

Edit: Also this is not cool if this kind of thing is causing people to just quit and I can understand how it could as it isn't really about the item or gold its about the amount of time spent getting the gold as well as the item and that's basically all time wasted now *gone*. Sure some players come back but some don't and word of mouth is a powerful thing as well if they tell other potential player's of the bad experiences they had here.
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