WTS Many SS, several of rare variety


All listed ss for sale, negotiable, at present market values. Hit me up.

Alchemy - 23
Anatomy - 2
Animal Lore - 1
Archery -2
Arms Lore -2
Begging - 2
Camping - 1
Carpentry - 9
Cartography - 3
Cooking - 5
Detect Hidden - 4
Discordance - 20
Eval Int - 8
Fencing - 53
Fishing - 27
Forensics - 4
Heal - 4
Herding - 4
Hiding - 2
Inscribe - 14
Item ID - 1
Lumberjacking - 35
Macing - 51
Magery - 33
Magic Resist - 15
Meditation - 2
Mining - 42
Musicianship - 2
Parry -6
Peacemaking - 20
Poison - 6
Provocation - 7
Snooping - 4
Spirit Speak - 2
Steal - 3
Stealth - 8
Swords - 54
Tactics - 5
Taming - 1
TasteID - 2
Tinkering - 39
Tracking - 3
Veterinary - 1
Wrestle - 3
Last edited by a moderator:


Berticus, why you dont answer to people when we send you msg? you say to me you had some issue with your car but it was like a week ago...? I see you looked your msg but you not answering. Can you please take time to answer. Thanks for your time and have a nice day !