Make Cache Chests a permanent feature!


Cache Chests were the best feature of Zombieland in my opinion. I'd like to see them added into the rest of the game.

For those unfamiliar,
- A Cache Chest & Shovel was found as loot on Zombies.
- You placed items you wanted to store into the chest and buried it anywhere in the world for safekeeping.
- You could later dig up the chest.
- The gambit was other players could dig up your chest if you didn't hide it well.

The combination of Houses/Bank + Recall HEAVILY influences everyone in the game to "get in, get out". Farming, PKing, etc pretty much involves recalling around, spend a minute there, banking, next spot, repeat. This would encourage more gameplay options to stay in one spot.

I see a lot of interesting opportunities that could open up if it was expanded upon.

Imagine staking out a lil area/fort in dungeons or the wilderness. Rolling up to some random corner of a dungeon and this guy has literally set up temporary residence there, fending off monsters and defending his area. As a stealth character that spends a lot of time in dungeons, I would love this!

Pair it with tents or other temporary structures and you open up a lot of interesting opportunities to populate areas of the world other than banks & private homes.

Ok, I'll pre-empt some potential naysayers:

"It's over powered"
- False. It's not 100% secure, other players can dig it up. It's right on par with Beetles, you store a lot in them, but risk dieing and losing everything.

"That's what your bank/house is for"
- Yes, but those have limits. This will help out new / houseless players. Additional temporary storage at the cost of possibly being dug up by another player.

"It made sense in Zombieland because you had no where to store your stuff"
- True, it was crucial for Zombieland play. But that doesn't render it completely useless in the core game.

"I'd rather see the developers work on something else"
- The code is already written for Zombieland. The developer time would be less than a brand new feature.

"It will add a lot of item bloat to the server"
- This is a somewhat valid concern. A solution could be a decay timer, similar to houses.


I gotta say, I like the idea and liked the feature in the zombie event. Hell, i would use it to store extra stock at various locations I hang around -- just keep a full stock bag or two there to quickly restock and get back into the fight.

That said, I think if they became available, then there may be a ton of exploits that would need to be addressed. Like thieves stealing and burying items, etc.

Overall -- Still a good idea.


I gotta say, I like the idea and liked the feature in the zombie event. Hell, i would use it to store extra stock at various locations I hang around -- just keep a full stock bag or two there to quickly restock and get back into the fight.

That said, I think if they became available, then there may be a ton of exploits that would need to be addressed. Like thieves stealing and burying items, etc.

Overall -- Still a good idea.
Right, but it still takes a good 10-15seconds standing still to bury a cache, not to mention it being dug up. So a thief would be very vulnerable to employ that tactic.