Magic properties in weapons


Hi friends, I am new player in this shard and I have never found any other with such different kinds of magic properties on weapons looted from pvm.

I just need some kind of info (like a ranking from lower to better) abot the different propierties.

I.e. I know that damage increase comes with Ruin,might, xxx, power and vanquishing. I also know the 2 lowest armor properties.

Can someone help me and write all of them from lower to better please?

If there is a source on the amount of extra damage\armour that would be appreciated. Thanks


The confusing thing about this is that when a weapon says "accurate" and it's a melee weapon, it actually adds to your tactics skill (which increases damage) and not your weapon skill (which would increase accuracy). This however does not apply to ranged weapons, where the "accurate" modifier raises your actual weapon skill/chance to hit



This is how it is here but instead of + tactics we get + to the like weapon skill.
Actually it is exactly how it is listed in the article.

For ALL weapons EXCEPT archery weapons:

Accuracy modifiers add to the TACTICS skill. This increases damage and not accuracy (like the article says).

For ALL archery weapons:

Accuracy modifiers add to the ARCHERY skill. This increases accuracy by increasing hit chance.


It will have either accuracy, durability, or damage modifiers in its name. If it is unidentified, it will have unidentified in it's name.