Macro Locations


Someone said the Jheolm dueling pits in the middle of town gave the same bonuses as dungeons. is this true?
If not, where is a better safe place to macro. Every place ive been lately is swarmed with pk's

Elizabeth Gold

Story time!

I was checking out the FAQ section and came across this:

Level 3

Level 3 currently contains no mobs. It is worth checking out though.​

I saw several people standing there, not moving. A few ghosts and I though: "Hmm this seems like a good macro place! Others seem to be idling. A few ghosts left behind to training healing on..." So I loaded up my character with reagents and parked them there to train magery while I went out for groceries.
Little did I know that this was the spawning point of the Arch Demon which in turn attracts a shitload of PKers.