WTS Lvl 7 spider MAXED!! Strongest pet on UOF

Harry Berries

Lvl 7 spider
- All 4 relics lvl 10 = 750 power scrolls @ 35k each
- Reskilled twice for control
- Bindings of devotion (increases time before pet releases) 10k Dono item
- Meta stone 3mil gold
- spider egg 10mil
- skills are all maxed out hasn't lost any skill
- 4 slot
- requires 120/120

This is only for the most elite/rich players!!
It's not something everyone should have.

Please send PMs and no TROLLING please.

Seriously offers only.

Harry Berries

Actual thread @@

Anyone who is interested pm me. I have received one very generous offer already and will be considering that offer until further people have a chance as this pet.
Thank you.


Curious. Did you loot the gold from corpses while leveling this beast? If so, how much gold would you estimated while leveling up the pet and it's relics / rollover. That had to be some serious dough in itself.

Free bump.