WTS LVL 6 Meta Dragon with QS, Molten and Bloody


Sry, this was posted accidentally. I thought I had closed it out, must have hit post by mistake. Due to private messages about no price being posted, I put a price on it that I wouldn't refuse ;].
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De Medici

Its nice but your price is to high from my perspective. I would buy it if cheaper. There is a level 7 with all relics maxed for 16m on the forums atm and no one is bidding.


Hehehe, I could care less if someone is bidding, it never was really for sale, if you need one it maybe available. Only accepting offers, if someone is interested, if not that is fine. I really prefer keeping for a while. I probably wouldn't sell it for less until I roll it to lvl 7 at anything below 17.5. Never know when someone that is not in a guild and don't get free QS, Bloody, Molten and Meta Eggs might wish to buy one trained.