WTT Lucky Sevens Casino


Hi all

During the early 2000's I used to do a lot of gambling and have taken it up again here on UO:Forever. You may have seen me spamming Britain bank and have had the pleasure of playing with a fair few of you guys.

Over the past week or so I have been playing the usual High/Low game but have decided that I am now able to start taking bets again on sporting events and such. I currently have listed the World Cup final only but I will pretty much offer odds on any sporting event.

The current odds offered are (these may be revised in later posts to this thread):
Germany to Win: 13/10
Draw after 120mins: 9/4
Argentina to Win: 23/10

I will make a note of any bets made straight away but should also be accompanied by a book with the bet amount name and any contact details you deem necessary. Books can be provided :).

If anyone would like to make a bet I am usually stood near the water at West Britain Bank.
The Minimum bet I am accepting is: 1,000
The Maximum bet I am accepting is: 40,000

You can also contact me here: [email protected]
or pm Ian in #uoforever

Thanks for reading my post and I hope to hear from you soon :)

Kind regards,
Lucky Seven
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Hi All

Thank you to those that have that taken the time to make bets so far. I will be on-line after the match has ended to pay out any winnings.

Here are todays updated odds:

Germany to Win: 13/10
Draw after 120mins: 11/5
Argentina to Win: 12/5

I will be maxed out very soon so if you would like to bet please do it sooner rather than later :)

Thanks again,
Lucky Seven


Unfortunately I'm now maxed out on Germany to win.

I'm still able to take a few bets on Argentina to win and for a draw after 120 mins.

Current Odds:
Germany to Win: 13/10
Draw after 120mins: 11/5
Argentina to Win: 12/5


Thank you to those of you that made bets. Everyone that won has now been paid.

I look forward to offering more betting opportunities in the future :)