Lost character?


Hey. Just discovered UOF and love. I created 2 accounts with 1 character per account. 3 days later, one of those accounts has no more characters and when I log on that account, I get the new character creation screen.

Can any gm - or anyone - help me?

Hey. Just discovered UOF and love. I created 2 accounts with 1 character per account. 3 days later, one of those accounts has no more characters and when I log on that account, I get the new character creation screen.

Can any gm - or anyone - help me?


Are you certain that you're logging in to the correct account? If you've mis-typed the account name it would be a completely different account.


Not 100% sure... but pretty sure. Like 95%. i just wish i could see what accounts were associated with my IP or something like that. I hate to have to restart a new character...


Check the following destination for a list of accounts you have logged in with.

C:\Users\<YOURUSERNAME>\Documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Legacy\User Data

You're welcome.


Check the following destination for a list of accounts you have logged in with.

C:\Users\<YOURUSERNAME>\Documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Legacy\User Data

You're welcome.

Thanks. Turns out account info is correct, but in the account folder, theres a sub-folder named after the character I created. But the character doesn't exist anymore ingame. WTF?

When I first created the character though, I got an error message ingame telling me my name was not acceptable because of invalid characters or something like that, and that I had to change it, which I did. I'm guessing that might be the cause...