WTS Locked Fallon Blue Easter Basket.

So thats 30k he's offering my 40k offer still stands :)

Lol people sell these for 50k like candy on IRC and forums. Quit trying to short change me and just make a decent offer. I even saw an offer for 200k on a blue basket literally a few days ago. Im not asking for near that much, but I didnt kill a hundred easter mobs to finally get one basket and sell it for 30-40k... I know its worth more to the right buyer. ;)
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If he wants to pay 80k let him I only wanted it for deco not trying to short change anyone I just didn't get the blue one got 3 green 2 pink and I got one now anyways for free unlocked didn't want the shit inside just the box for my collection :) so done get mad at me business is business if he wants to overpay thas up to him :)