WTS Legit Ki-Rin And Unicorn! New Tamables Cast & Have Special Abilities!

Slice N Dice

Oh, and it just occurred to me earlier when reading other thread Slice mentioned ki-rin that I accidentally tagged @Dig'em instead of @Slice N Dice when making this post. For some reason that's not the first time I've gotten you guys mixed up.:confused:
I only have like 80k right now. As I am just returning to uof. But that kirin belongs to me damnit. Maybe we can work out some kind of a deal? I'll have to look thru my items


Mostly looking for gold, not much I'm interested in except for some big ticket rares, really. I'm sure I'll come across another though.

And hey double drop weekend still going so :)



Tamed another Ki-Rin @Slice N Dice

Looks like they are around five day timer or so got another unicorn as well! JoeB said the timers are pretty variable.

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