L A G G ! ! !

Evil Jezus

Has this died down for you guys a bit in the last day?

I don't think so shane, most of us are still lagging every few minutes its just the lock up that's insane. Any word on switching servers to Kansas?
I love how serious this business is to you. Are you still mad about the lag?

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AAAAAAAAAAAND once again this guy is still riding my jock....LOL

Ahhh beautiful ignore button..Gotta love ignore the trolls of your forums Shane.


Has this died down for you guys a bit in the last day?
No change here either, its great sometimes, really bad others. Ups and downs. I find it's usually good or really bad, rarely 'a little lag.' Sometimes there's no lag and it disconnects which seems strange.


Glad it's not just me but 5th day on the shard definitely doesn't make me happy. Especially when I just finished off my character and I'm ready to do some killing.


Hailing from Sweden here. Have had absolutely ZERO lag issues these last 3-4 weeks, dont know what you might have changed :)
First time tonight that I have encountered lag since then, but it seems its a general issue judging by the IRC talk.