
Here's a few to start this off. As always, we've gone with a low starting bid. Some people could get a stupid good deal if no one else bids.
All prices are S/B and each item/set auction is over 24 hours after last bid.
3. Shadow Lords (green) faction incense - 250k
4. (white) skull candle of venom - 50k
6. No tresspassing sign - 100k
7. Blessed Jack O'lantern - 20k
8 . Dripping blood - 50k
9. A, B, C Zombie footprints ( 3 sets - two of which walking left, one walking right) - 200k SB for each
-When bidding, for clarity bid on Footprints A (L), B (L) or C (R)
Thanks, and happy bidding!
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