Item placement in houses absolutely sucks.


It's been a while since I've played UO but I do not remember items being this horrible to place in a house.

It seems like a lot of items don't "place" in the correct position and the interior decorator is VERY limited in what it can do.

After some experimentation and trying to place other items in my house(paintings, chests, globes, even trash barrels), it seems that ALL the item's I've encountered are actually "attached" to the improper edge of their tile.

This makes it so chests appear to be floating at level 3 or 4, paintings don't sit against the wall they're placed on, other items sit too far down in the bottom of the tile away from walls, etc.

Additionally, it seems like paintings that face South don't exist and the interior decorator can't rotate East facing paintings to face South.

I don't know how much of a minority I am on the server, but decorating my houses is probably one of my favorite past-times in UO and these issues make it insanely frustrating.


The only issues I have noticed with decorating are in cellars, can't use a deco tool in cellars which sucks because you have to stack items manually.

Aside from that, everything works exactly the way I remember it on production.

And yes there are both S and E facing paintings.

Karl Sagan

Some things are really hard to get next to walls. I keep the medium wooden boxes on hand to put stuff in, stand where you want it, then chop it. The item will fall to your feet.


I'm not having problems placing items on the tile that I intend, I'm having trouble with the aesthetics of placing items.

As I said in the OP, items are attached to the wrong edge of their respective tile.

Paintings which face SOUTH should be on the NORTH edge of their tile which would place them directly next to the adjacent wall.
Instead, paintings which face SOUTH are on the SOUTH edge of their tile so it appears that they are far away from the wall.
This means that it requires using the deco tool or stacking items to move the painting up to compensate.
This also means that the painting now appears to be on the tile next to the one it's actually placed on.

Chests have the opposite issue where they are all attached to the NORTHWEST corner of the tile which means that placing them on the outermost edge of your house makes it look like they're sticking through the wall. If they were attached to the SOUTHEAST corner of the tile they would place properly, not stick through the wall or appear like they had something underneath them.

The best way to illustrate this is to place a chest, then place a full tile item like a fishing net in front of it. There's then a huge gap between the chest and net whereas on OSI, the chest and net would be lined up and look like they were next to each other.

Here's a couple photos of what I mean...

How it looks in game:

How it SHOULD look in game: