Is there any negative effect from being too full?


When you're too full to eat any more or drink any more, is this worse than being just full? Does it matter at all?


I dunno, I just fill up to the max and dont touch it for several hours. I imagine if you want to min max then don't get overstuffed but I dont care about it that much.


I dunno, I just fill up to the max and dont touch it for several hours. I imagine if you want to min max then don't get overstuffed but I dont care about it that much.

Have you read anywhere that it actually hurts you somehow? Because I do generally like to stuff myself so I don't have to worry about it. But if I'm rasing skills or something I wish I knew what was best.


Nah its not. Dont believe drinking does anything but eating does. Cant help ya out more than take my word for it and ask around. Bout to sleep before i head to work so if u dontget answers by tommorow ill do some research for ya


O m f g. That comment litterally made me laugh out loud dude. Working night shift. Checking forums and boom this post. Makes it funnier that i actually gotta poop too