Is it worth it....


I am trying to figure out if it is worth it to raise Carpentry and Mining to 120. What is the benefit? I have 110 Mining now and GM Carpentry. What will I get for raising to 120 besides spending all my gold on a Power Scroll. Any input is appreciated.


Quite a bit of stuff you can only make at 120 carp treasure chests and such, as far as mining, at 120 you can mine RDA crystals, and have a better chance at smelting high end ore into ingots.

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So I assume you think it is worth it. Oh my...Back to farming. Carpentry is a B*^ch to raise...So much wood! Thanks!


All Crafter skill after 90/100 is better to raise with SS, a lot cheaper!

Then again i think Carpentry and mining will be raised on two different chars


as far as mining, at 120.... better chance at smelting high end ore into ingots.

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Any proof of this? I've been at 120 mining for a while and the smelt rates are garbage. Valorite, even with 1 ore, is 100% failure and generates 1 ingot. Across the board, it's almost that bad for all colors except like....dull copper.