WTS Impish Watch Price Drop 1M

Afro Man

This is a hot deal
free bump


This auction has been up for almost 1 month and it still hasn't sold doesn't that tell you something . Maybe your price is too high. I can tell you i bought an impish watch myself about 8-12 months ago on here.

Sticky Whitefly

its not an auction and I started the price at 2m lowered it to 1m and I sold one already for 1.75m but thanks for your concern. Glad you had value able information for my selling thread.


its not an auction and I started the price at 2m lowered it to 1m and I sold one already for 1.75m but thanks for your concern. Glad you had value able information for my selling thread.

I would have been very angry if I had bought one for 1.75 and see second one for 1m. Which brings me to my current point, how wold I can trust you that you are not going to sell one other for 50k...

Sticky Whitefly

No one would sell one for 50k only second one I have gotten in 2 years and I do have a current offer of 750k which was offered two weeks ago. To be honest not sure I will even sell it at that so if I can't get 1m for it guess I will have it forever lol.