Ideas for Character "Look"


A good dexer was always dangerous IMO but you're right. Macers in UOR were mean with hammers. I always played a macer as my dexer because I like to wear a guy down

Not during the Mindblast era. After a quick stat alteration even "balanced" dexers were taking tons of damage at very little cost in mana to the mage. I think it wasn't until publish 18 or 20 that it balanced out. It was whenever we all started playing around with magic arrow as the disrupt spell of choice. I will agree though to a point. This period of UO pots were vastly frowned upon and were not relevant in PvP. It was a little before AOSthat you started seeing factioners get heavy into using pots. Of course every shard is different and developed different styles of fighting. I frequented Atl, Pac, Siege, Europa, and of the mother of all PvP shards, Test Center. I was lucky enough to play Abyss but that was before all this.

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I always ran 85/50/90 and MB never bothered me. Maybe 25 damage, but I did fine against mages. I think P17 is what ruined MB