I live here now lol


So hey peoples! :) first of all id like to introduce my self. im Nightember, and ive found my self in love with the lands of this game. i cant believe after over 15 years of playing mmos, and even having heard of this one, im just now discovering the diamond that this game is. ive been in search of a hard core mmo, one that has value in actual research, and doesnt just noob feed you all the info youll need, that puts emphasis on a studied mind and actual skill, with perma death, real unrestricted pvp, and a skill system that is influenced by everything you do, for a long time, only ever being closely satisfied by eve online, and come to find out, its been on the net since i was 6 years old lol.

that being said, ive found my self a home here, both in this game, and in this shard. im obviously new, but have already invested hours upon hours into study, so i have a pretty good handle of the ropes, and ive already formed my self a nice skill template im growing quite fond of. im gonna keep my template choice and intentions within the game world to my self for now, as in a game like this, you cant be quite sure who to trust, or even if i should be trusted :p but i wanted to get my name out there and introduce my self, let people know that i look forward to meeting them in game and hope to share awesome adventures and stories with, or just as well remember them as i clean their blood from my blade.

if anyone has any good to know tips or advice for me, itd also be much appreciated :)