How to place a house correctly?


Hello everyone,

I am trying to place little house with the house placement tool. The Problem is, the shown house is far away from my cusor:


So where do I have to click?? So that the shown house is on the right spot? Or does the cursor have to be on the green?

I already tried a lot of spots where I thought a 7x7 has to fit, but I have not succeeded a single time...

A little guide or help would be appreciated a lot!

Thanks in advance.

Go by where the cursor is, not the pic, I had a lot of trouble with this, the cursor is roighly the middle step, even though the pic is way off. Glhf!


Also I believe you have to allow 5-6 tiles available between houses.

Ie in your example picture I believe it is within a few tiles too many of the house to the north.

Edit, try 1 sqm over and 1 sqm down from the house in your picture it might work.


Okay thanks so far, but where do I have to click with the cursor? somewhere in the middle and it will place itself correctly?
Or do I have to click where the upper right corner of the house will be?

I simply dont get :/


I had this issue when I first started playing, and for me it was because I moved the play window and it messed with the game.

If you move the game window back to the upper-left hand corner (the default position) it should straighten things out. But, Seelendolch is right about going by the cursor.


Ah okay nice tip! gonna try to move screen in the left corner... I also pulled it somewhere in the middle!

Pulled it somewhere in the middle?

Hit your maximize top right corner, which will stretch the game screen from corner to corner for now will show a ton of black/blank space where you can keep your bags, paper doll and map open.

Second go into Razor which you probably are using and goto the Option tab and click the option to "Force Game Size" and I would try 1024 x 768 is the proper ratio but mess around until it is a bit better until your liking.