House Design Question


So I designed my 3rd floor in a way that allowed me to have a "safe room" without getting PK'd. This was done in the form of a small 1x1 room in the center of my third floor, surrounded by solid walls and a closed door.

Exhibit 1:


However, last night I was AFK and logged in to see some [POWER] guy killed me with explode pots while I was AFK in this closed room. Not sure how he was able to do it since the portals to my third floor are secured, and even with the open windows in the front of the house, I don't see a clear path straight enough for him to be able to chuck pots up from outside.

Is it possible for him to have been standing on the 2nd floor directly below me and then used explode pots on that tile to kill my char? Do explode pots do damage to all players on that tile, regardless of how high/low they are (Z-axis)?

No pun intended but more POWER to this guy for finding a way to get me, lol.

Trying to see how I can prevent this again!
