Hola senors and senoritas!


New Member
Hey new to the forums here and obviously I wanted to post an introduction before putting up a house for sale.

Ive been playing UO for a very long time casually and I finally wanna start really getting into it.

Currently Im working on a Tamer and an Axe boi. The Talisman stuff is super interesting and I am very excited to get to work on my Meta pet as well (Just GMd taming finally without scrolls)

Look forward to getting pkd a million times by y'all! Eventually I would love to learn some PVP but god damn some of you are brutal. This sense of constant danger is why I love UO and have since I played on Lake Superior in 99 on OSI.

UO Forever is a fresh take on an old favorite of mine and I would like to thank the devs and community for this wonderful experience.
