

Make this skill more viable for pvp.

just some ideas:

Gm hiding,GM Resist- if casted on with reveal, you have a chance to resist the reveal.

Gm Hiding- you have a chance that when someone uses detect hidden or tracking, you wont show up on their "radar"

just some ideas i thought would be pvp or pking just a little bit better for the blue and just a little harder for the red trying to murder you!!


hiding is op because every person with 0 tracking can find you?
detect hidden in your house, you can have 0 skill and reveal your whole house.
I dont know bro, a skill that makes your character completely vanish from the screen doesn't really need a buff... you get revealed? Fight/Recall/Run or get stealth and walk away.... the game already has plenty of option built in for you to utilize.


you hidden, you can be para field,fire field,poison field, explosion pot, but whatever i can tell you guys always want easier ways to kill blues, pk and ruin this game for a large chunk of the community.

This goes with helping new people and how to play this game. always nice to see no one wants any further ment of this server, or wanting new people to come play this greifbox