Help Finishing Tamer



I'm Back to UO, landed here - so far so good. I decided to do those things that I never did last time. One was build a tamer.

Using guides and forums, I have worked myself up to about 75% done. I'm looking for advice on how to finish out this build, and looking for a taming mentor or guild that will take me under their wings to show me how to get things done. I haven't quite got the peace tame of aggro mobs down yet. I imagine it gets harder as one goes.

Overarching goal is to be one of those guys walking around with an ancient dragon.

Where I'm at now:


taming: 80.1
Lore 100
magery 60.6 (will work this when I have some cash)
Music 94
Peace 86
Vet 17 (know I have to work this - need pets worth vetting first)
OPEN - hiding?

taming 120
lore 120
mage 100
music 100 (is 120 possible?)
Peace 120
Vet 100
hiding 60

I'm open to swapping peace with provo once I have top tier critters.

Side note, Looking to do a few other things: develop a PVP red - never did much last time; play a faction; Dragon eggs? did someone say pirates?

Thoughts, advice welcome.



are you manually taming or using a macro? I've tamed to gm twice using only non-aggressive overland spawns. gharts/grizzlies, then add in bulls/white wolves


are you manually taming or using a macro? I've tamed to gm twice using only non-aggressive overland spawns. gharts/grizzlies, then add in bulls/white wolves
Yes, i am using the UOSteam macro. Once at 100, how do you get high end pets? Taming aggro mobs is baffling me.


paralyze them, then try to tame and make sure not to hit. get them to low hp to reduce damage from firebreath


Once you know what to tame and when/where the rest is pretty simple and always the same:

Get your spawn in as low traffic an area as you can to prevent dealing with other critters.

Get as few aggressive spawn around you as you as you can. You can deal with a couple hell hounds or hellcats at once but it's always better to paralyze or peacemake one monster instead of two/three.

Making sure you don't go insane is the most important part.


Or...just eat scrolls :p

@Hydro has been taming manually above GM, up over 110 now I believe. Anything is doable you just gotta pick the right spawn at the right time and you can go anywhere.


I also know that people have done peacemaking on their alt and just loop it over and over on a target so they don't waste the time doing it on their tamer. That's an option.


i use 2nd account running a macro to peace anything hostile in the area so i dont need music on my tamer and can still lvl taming effectively

im at 111 now all manual its not that bad


There are no scrolls around to get 120 music.
I would as first gm peace and music it doesnt takes long(i prefer it on the same char), go to deceit there is a "bardtable" where you can train it(sometimes Pk´s visit this place :) ). Or go in a other dungeon and train there peace with a macro.
For training vet, bond a horse with a other char let it die and ress it with your tamer over and over . Sometimes there is a dead animal at brit bank but you know you get better skillgain in dungeons^^.
After finishing your taming i would remove peace for getting provo. You can also get resi and eval for PvP.

Slice N Dice

i think you're going to end up wanting Provo sooner.
And once you get enough gold don't hold off on buying your meta egg. It's gonna be a while before it's an aw

And as far as hiding goes, you're pets are going to give you away. You will be vetting. And if you really need to hide you have Margery
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i think you're going to end up wanting Provo sooner.
And once you get enough gold don't hold off on buying your meta egg. It's gonna be a while before it's an aw

And as far as hiding goes, you're pets are going to give you away. You will be vetting. And if you really need to hide you have Margery

I have nothing to contribute to your post, I just wanted to say I love that you are actually R.J. MacReady.

a magical man

there is no way to gm without skill scrolls within these hostile environments of UOF anymore unless you have no job and all the time of the day then you are lucky

King Dingaling

^^^ lmao

my build
115 taming
115 lore
110 provo
100 music
100 magery
100 vet
70 med

love in and make sure everything targets ur pets. while they are attacking, start provoing everything onto the harder mobs.

i leveled up in shame doing scorps, then i believe the 80's u can go do small hell cats til about 90's..then lava lizards and hell cats the rest of the way.

peace is a must while training in a dungeon..i didnt work up vet until i was done taming. the i dropped peace and worked up vet.

vet is very a pet on alt account, kill it...and just macro ressing it. all the way to gm in about a day and like 4000 bandages later.

stay fed and drink from that brit fountain every so often

King Dingaling

you will rarely use peace..its a waste imo.

if your worried about taming, what u do is beat the mob til near death with ur pets. yell all stop all follow me, then gate to a stable and put ur pets up, run back in the gate. then throw paralyzing fields down in front of the mob while u tame it. very easy.

Lots of good advice in this thread and it all depends on how you want to play and what you are trying to do. Taking your vision build into consideration, it looks like you want to keep peace or provoke which is fine however a couple things you may consider.
1) Your vision build lacks med and I will submit you will probably want at least 70 like King
2) Peacemaking is great for completing taming as some said can be done through 110 at least (I personally scrolled from 110-120)
3) Peacemaking is helpful for crowd control if you want to level up a meta pet for the first couple levels; my op is that after stage 2 my music and peace skills would be better spent on survivability so I went with resist and inscription (take a look at the benefits and decide for yourself)
4) If you like more offensive mage capability you can consider using Eval vice inscription
5) As a tamer mage, I find it better to use invis than waste skill on hiding
6) I agree a Provoke tamer can be the top end PVM farmer however you sacrifice some survivability skills

I basically used same strategy that Bromista (he has it down to a science) lays out and it worked very well:

Hope this is helpful.
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