Help a newb with a newb question


So I am considering taking lockpicking. I have gotten a couple chests from paragons and needed it for them but they can be carried in your pack and given to someone who lockpicks. I recently went treasure hunting since my other toon has cartography and was able to go check it out, and those chests ofc can not be picked up and relocated. So what I am asking is, is it worth having lockpicking on a main character? I am fairly new to this game (returning after some years) but I dont want to have lockpicking on my main guy if the better treasure comes from chests that can be brought into town. it seems if I am going to be dropped in on by murderers or deviants, it wont prove as useful either. just fyi i plan on : Anatomy/healing/fencing/resist/tactics. I wanted to get hiding and stealth since they seem fun, hiding for sure to avoid dangers so I am stuck between either stealth and lockpicking. thanks in advance and any tips appreciated

-The Doc
If they are lower level chests(Ettins, Earth eles, trolls, orges) you can also use the Unlock spell on them. You might want to make sure you open it with telekenisis first though. They can pack a mean punch.
On your other question, I'd save Lockpicking for a treasure hunter/ dungeon chest collecter type character. Lockpicking will not be nearly as useful as stealth on a "main" type character. Just make sure you read the lockpicking guides available here as there is a trick to locking your dex at 10 (I think.) to be able to hit 95 the easiest.


I'd dedicate one character for lockpicking as mentioned above. Say a treasure hunter or if you have a pvm character and you can't figure out what to do with the last skill put lockpicking if you'd be interested in going for dungeon chest while your out farming.


Thanks a bunch guys. Stealth it is. I'll be losing my young status soon so prolly gunna need it!!