Hello from Chessy


I literally dropped out of high school because of this game.. Was a rare-item scammer on Chessy. Sold one account for.. $5,000 in 2003. PlacHad some AMAZING rares including multiple server briths and GM-created items people got their hands on.. mostly scammed off of people. Placed many of them in a small house west of moonglow and then my friend got my account banned. I wasn't there when it collapsed. Don't know if anybody was. 13 years, 4 kids and medical degree later I found this shard. Good to be back

Soul Mate

I literally dropped out of high school because of this game.. Was a rare-item scammer on Chessy. Sold one account for.. $5,000 in 2003. PlacHad some AMAZING rares including multiple server briths and GM-created items people got their hands on.. mostly scammed off of people. Placed many of them in a small house west of moonglow and then my friend got my account banned. I wasn't there when it collapsed. Don't know if anybody was. 13 years, 4 kids and medical degree later I found this shard. Good to be back

Nice, I played chessy on occasion 2001-2002.
What kind of degree?


Welcome to the server! I see your 4 kids and a degree and go all in with my 2 kids and 2 jobs. Enjoy your stay.


lol, I knew that, I ment which type , I am thinking by your name, a Psych field.
Sorry, I'm used to people not knowing at all. Lucid was actually my original name on Chessy, but I can see that being psych. Ophthalmology is my field though.