Is there any one with it gmed that can chime in on of this is worth the trouble?Agreed. Not sure how worth it is in the end either.
Is there any one with it gmed that can chime in on of this is worth the trouble?Agreed. Not sure how worth it is in the end either.
Was it worth it?i did gm it after a long while.
Use pots as guided based on skill level on wiki, drink and eat up and go to a dungeon.
it takes loads of kegs, and once you are around 90 use skill scrolls. Making DP is like 20% success chance with GM alchemy and you need like 928734982374 kegs of it. So don't waste with it and use skill scrolls.
I have it GM'ed and can say it really wasn't that hard. BS was harder IMO. I currently use him to GM poison weps for my LJ pvp'er, but the plan is to build him as fence/alch/pois.Is there any one with it gmed that can chime in on of this is worth the trouble?
Blacksmith takes much less time and you almost never have to switch supplies. I think BS takes about 10% of the time of poison. With blacksmith, I did it all in about 5 shots with 3k ingots each and just smelted. With poison, every 10 min i have 2 full kegs and no reags. Ya, keep giving us that good info.I have it GM'ed and can say it really wasn't that hard. BS was harder IMO. I currently use him to GM poison weps for my LJ pvp'er, but the plan is to build him as fence/alch/pois.
It is good info, because it's correct. Not sure how you're doing poison, but it's wrong if you think it's harder then BS. I have both BS and poison gm'ed. I never even used kegs for poisoning. There's a macro to make pois pots and then pois a wep. Take as many regs as you can carry, 2 pots, and a dagger into a dungeon. I didn't think it was hard or time consuming at all. Check it every 30 minutes or so to make sure you have regs and nothings wrong with the macro, was done in like 8-10 hours. Since it sounds like you're doing it wrong, follow my good info.Blacksmith takes much less time and you almost never have to switch supplies. I think BS takes about 10% of the time of poison. With blacksmith, I did it all in about 5 shots with 3k ingots each and just smelted. With poison, every 10 min i have 2 full kegs and no reags. Ya, keep giving us that good info.
It is good info, because it's correct. Not sure how you're doing poison, but it's wrong if you think it's harder then BS. I have both BS and poison gm'ed. I never even used kegs for poisoning. There's a macro to make pois pots and then pois a wep. Take as many regs as you can carry, 2 pots, and a dagger into a dungeon. I didn't think it was hard or time consuming at all. Check it every 30 minutes or so to make sure you have regs and nothings wrong with the macro, was done in like 8-10 hours. Since it sounds like you're doing it wrong, follow my good info.
hey dimok, was this a uo steam macro? do you have it by chance if so?
//Prompt for Selections
sysmsg 'Select the reagent bag'
promptalias 'reagentbag'
sysmsg 'Select what you want to poison'
promptalias 'targetofpoison'
//Keep Running Macro until Poisoning Skill is GM
while skill 'Poisoning' < 100
//Check to see if enough Nightshade is on hand. This counter must be setup separately from this macro.
if counter 'cntr' < 1
movetype 0xf88 'reagentbag' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 200
pause 1000
//Make the Poison Potion using Alchemy
//Use Mortar and Pestal
usetype 0xe9b
waitforgump 0x38920abd 1500
replygump 0x38920abd 21
waitforgump 0x38920abd 1500
pause 1000
//If you failed to create a potion, this will keep trying till one is made
while ingump 'any' 'You fail to create'
usetype 0xe9b
waitforgump 0x38920abd 1500
replygump 0x38920abd 21
waitforgump 0x38920abd 1500
pause 1000
//Find Potion otherwise use a keg
if findtype 0xf0a
usetype 0x1940 'any' 'backpack'
pause 1000
//Poison the item
useskill 'Poisoning'
waitfortarget 15000
findtype 0xf0a
target! 'found'
waitfortarget 15000
target! 'targetofpoison'
pause 2000
//Check if you were clumsy and poisoned yourself
while poisoned
cast 'cure' 'self'
pause 7000
Sure you can replace the cast cure part with drink cure potion. I am not in front of my home PC so I cannot pull up UOS to give you additional syntax.How do i change the gump selection for normal poison? im starting at 50.
Also - can this be modified to make/drink a cure pot instead of casting a spell?
Edit: NVM saw your note regarding prep the mortar...what about the cure pot part though?
Can you poison axes