WTS FULL Rune Library Sets!


Well had a bunch of orders still getting the last of the mining book order put together. Then I'll be able to sell books again. Please PM what you need so I get a notification :)


I like how I say to pm me and everyone posts here THEN I post here and everyone wants a pm :p I'll send you one amonseti


Selling rune library set!

Dungeons- Includes all dungeons entrances,champs and each farming spot in dungeons. Selling for 300k

Town spots- healers,provisioners,stables,mages,smiths,bowyers,tailors and banks,Shrines, Islands, Faction bases and sigils - Selling for 150k

Mining books 8 books in this set. Each book is for that one individual ore. 16 runes in each book. From Dull Copper to Valorite!! -Selling for 150k

Tmap sets- locations 1-200 -Selling for 130k

Also have ride-able spawn, "safe" spots, taming guide books and lock picking books!!

Any questions feel free to PM me :)

Edited original posting!


Free bump, just picked up some of these runebooks for my library. They're great, highly recommended to everyone! Lowest prices I've seen for marked runebooks too.