Food and Water benefits


A lot of people have told meto drink water and eat food to enhance skill probabilities,etc. but, on the flip side a fair amount of people have told me otherwise that the whole concept of drinking and eating is just for r.p purposes; which is understandable because of the effects you get from some drinks and food. Does drink and food actually give a substantial benefit to your gameplay. Or any for that matter. Thanks


I don't think drinking is currently working, since every time I drink I am always stuffed or full. But food wise, IMO food does help gains, particularly in the hard to gain skills like taming, poisoning etc. It appears that even hit chance etc has some effect as well. I am sure many folks will argue both ways here but this is my observation.

Fallen Angel

food and drink dont help.....
iam train my tamer 5 days and iam dont drink and eat
I am currently working on a tamer so this information helps me a lot. Thank you

food and drink dont help.....
i'm train my tamer 5 days and i'm dont drink and eat


When the server comes back up, double click the wells around Britain. There is one right in front of LB's castle entrance, another by the WBB Bridge, and another a few screens south of the sewers entrance (there are more I'm sure).

WHen you double click those, it will either say that you are not thirsty, or some very flowery sentence about how amazing drinking the water is. Congratulations, you are now gaining like a bawss


Hmmmm. Thank you guys. I might ask a GM about this topic. It's really up and down.thank you all


When the server comes back up, double click the wells around Britain. There is one right in front of LB's castle entrance, another by the WBB Bridge, and another a few screens south of the sewers entrance (there are more I'm sure).

WHen you double click those, it will either say that you are not thirsty, or some very flowery sentence about how amazing drinking the water is. Congratulations, you are now gaining like a bawss

Im definitely gonna give it a shot lol. and to Fallen Angel drink/eat and then your gains will increase. Its not impossible to gain without food or drink but slower.


Yeah definitely I am currently Mac growing a whole bunch of stuff so I will definitely load them up with food and water and see how it works out