

I'm new here. I have a problem with fishing.
I've bought a boat today and i'm fishing by about 2 hours in deep waters.
I have fished only fishes, not sos or else.
Do i make any mistake?

I have noticed that in the journal is happened that i have read "You pull up a waterstained sos" but nothing in the backpack. I'm afraid ... maybe my pg is bugged.
Thanks you all for the help


When you pull up a SOS it is actually a sea serpent that you must kill to get the SOS as loot on its body.

Smokey McCallum

Sea serpents drop either an SOS, a fishing net or a level 1 Tmap. Id suggest to get a char from each of your other 2 accounts fishing alongside your main fisher, this will increase your chances of fishing something up. You only need 1 char to kill the serpents so the 2 additional chars only really need fishing and hiding, though Id suggest having magery on them as well for gating, recalling, resurrecting etc. You can easily train these 2 other chars fishing up by hiding them on the boat and loop your fishing macro. Once the chars are hidden they will stay hidden so you dont even need hiding at 100 to train their fishing. Hope this helps