Fishing Question


Just a question on fishing. I've been macroing overnight and I have gotten to almost GM fishing, but all i've fished up so far are boots and fish. I was just wondering how money is made by fishing. Thankyou.

Once you're GM Fishing, go fishing out in the high seas, at least ~15 tiles from the coast and you'll have chances to fish up a Sea Serpent, which will drop a MIB, a treasure map or a fishing net.

Using the MIB will give you coordinates to a shipwreck. Fishing at those coordinates will eventually have you retrieve a treasure chest from the water, which contains gold and magic items. Fishing up the chest will also "summon" a few creatures, which also have a chance of dropping more fishing nets. That's what will generate the most money, just fish up as many of them as you can, then organize a "route" to go fish up all the treasure to save time spent sailing around.

Treasure maps are pretty much self-explanatory. Sea Serpents drop lvl 1 maps, nothing incredibly lucrative, but if you gather a lot of them and do an efficient run, it can still be "decent" gold at very low risk.

Fishing nets will spawn higher end sea creatures, such as Krakens, Deep Sea Serpents and Deep Water Elementals, all of which can drop further fishing nets. These are great if you're using Provocation to do MIBs, since it enables you to spawn more provo fodder as/if you need it.

Ideally, you'll want to have more than one GM Fisherman fishing from your boat, to get better odds at spawning a MIB / Sea Serpent. You can expect to get roughly 1 MIB / hour / GM fisher. Also, since MIBs drop from Sea Serpents and can't be fished up directly, you can't really farm them AFK, or at least, not easily...
Oh, and make sure UOAssist isn't set to automatically open containers you put in your bags or you'll blow up when you finally fish a chest up.


hey Panik just wondering if theres chances of getting SS"s from fishing? monsters or chests?


hey Panik just wondering if theres chances of getting SS"s from fishing? monsters or chests?

Nope. but you can get rares off the Leviathan, he spawns when using the fabled fishing net found in ancient SOS chests, and osiredon, 1/60 chance to pull up at SOS if you have 115 fishing. both MOBs drop unique rares.


ahh ok thanks, and fishing can be a decent money maker? i just have 1 char slot left and not sure what to do with it, not to sure if i want to try the tamer thing out, seems like to much work.


I have made Millions fishing. I run and archer fisher and a provo/Thunter/fisher. both are 115 fishing.

I went out last night and made 127k in a little over an hour. I also got a Anchor (Osiredon Rare), 30 or so nice items, and 1k ish of each reg.

if your planning to fish up your own MIBs and not buy any then 1 fisher might feel to slow. but if you buy MIBs to supplement you will still make great money.

here is the averages I have found.

1 MIB will make about 10-13k (after selling armor and gems) this is an average I got by taking my total profit and dividing it by the total MIBs I did, not a min-max.

at GM you will get 1-2 MIBs per hour.
at 115 I get 3-5 MIBS per hour

running 2 GM fisher men you will get 2-4 MIBs an hour
running 2 115 fisher men I get 6-10 MIBs an hour.

collecting the MIBs can be done mostly AFK making it not as terrible as it seems. but you can see how only 1 GM fishermen would take a lot of time to make good money.

I fish my own MIBs and supplement with ones I can purchase, but I never pay more than 3k per. there are a few great vendors to buy from. Malcate's vendor by yew moongate is usually stocked up.

I hope this information helps.

Once I have some time I intend to right a comprehensive guide to fishing for the guide section. keep an eye out for it.
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King Dingaling

hey mess...whats ur archer fisher template? i have a provo archer that i would like to turn into a fisherman but dont think i can cram it all in!

Lady Macbeth

I find provo is only needed if u do net fishing or fishing up chests cuz u will for sure to have multiple mobs. However, fishing mibs alone is such a slow and low risk task. Summon daemon is more than enough to kill a single deep sea serpent. My fisherman only has GM magery and have fished up 100+ mibs alone np. Moreover, u can't do whirlpool alone anyways.

I'm not sure archery is needed at all if u want to add fishing into ur provo archer template.