Fishing Q


MiBbing. As you increase your fishing, you'll pull more serpents, which gets you more MiBs. More MiBs = more gear and gold. Also more MiBs = more chances for an Ancient, which NETS (oh, me) you the ability to summon a Leviathan for Leviathan-specific rares. At 115+ Fishing, when pulling an SOS, you'll have a chance of summoning an Osiredon of the Deep instead of one of the elementals that will drop Osiredon-specific rares.

Let's play money-making game!


So i have to kill the serpants that spawn, to get MIBS? and should i be on a boat in middle of water, or is the coast fine?


Yeah, when you pull 'em the special item you fished up will be on their corpse - a plain map, a net or a MiB.

As far as where to fish, it's best to do it on a (licensed) ship where you can fish up an area and move on, doing it quickly on one of the many fishing lanes out there. There are only like two or three places on land/docks you can fish in deep water from, and you'll quickly exhaust the waters there, making your fishing venture inefficient.

Just be mindful that you need your (blessed) ship key to steer, and that boat models are NOT blessed/newbied and can be easily stolen.


sounds interesting is this kind of stuff solo able, or a buddy would be better to do with. my fisher cant kill anything atm lol


A lot of people roll their alt as a support role, typically a mage while the primary archers with a slayer (elemental ban/water dissipation). Using your alt as a dummy to cross-heal (easier and faster to cross-heal that way) while you archer is an effective route, particularly if you summon a daemon or some EVs to help tank.

Leviathans are not soloable without dragons or a bit of luck with the dispel rate if you're a mage spamming EVs with an alt archering.

Efficiency-wise, a team of 4 fishermen is optimal as you'll pull up a ton of MiBs quickly and can stay on the move. In between MiBs you can clear out your nets, which is good for gathering sea-specific statuettes (serpents and kraken, for example), plus the kraken can spawn MiBs as rare drops. Deep water elementals drop decent gold and sometimes can leave behind some fantastic loot/gear. Should you get an ancient, it'll be easier to drop the leviathan, and Osiredons (who insta-dispel upon contact) will be much easier to deal with if you have a partner. It'll also keep you company as it can get a bit dull out at sea.

Lastly, should you come upon any pirates, having a buddy to help defend your goods, repel attackers or even pursue pirates who flee is useful.

With the new ships (galleons), I imagine you're going to find two types of seamen out on the waters: the soloists who use the classic ships and hope to avoid altercations altogether, and those banding together in small crews aboard galleons to maximize their fishing potential and engage other ships for their booty. In short, piracy is going to increase, with any luck.


Awesome posts Dewd, and very helpful for me as I'm a newb to fishing and am thinking about getting into it...