WTS *** First House outside ICE ***


The absolute PKing Spot and an excellent vendor!!!!

The very first house outside ICE

Houses like these come only once in a while so get yours today!

S/B 300k B/O 400k

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I've seen a couple houses come and go there I been wondering when another was gonna pop up I've got one or would've already not a bad spot u better like pvp or pk cause it goes down ALLLL the time over there

Don Key


Isn't the house to the North closer? I used to have that spot on OSi, loved it.

Here, not so much because lockpicking sucks in Ice


Yeah it's bad ass location!

Great vendor spot too!
Not sure on vendors as only ppl I see are reds chasing blues and the other way around I live one screen to the right.. house with all the plants and big ass demon. I have seen a good size house fit there not sure of size but at least double that +1 for spot
.. well worth at least 400 if u don't pvp then 0 lol best of luck to ya