Exorcism & Repond Bronze Runic Katana's


Your butt-hurt is real.

I'll be sure to lube before our next English lesson.

Young Star, that is a sweet tip. Good to know. +1
Wow you are bad at this. Nice goto response for when you know you have no argument.

So if we are too believe you posted this question here with no correlation to the original thread than you have managed to:
-derail a wts thread
-insult the community as a whole (multiple times)
-throw out personal insults in a wts thread
-continue to derail
-yell at the helpful members of the community who try to answer your question
-post a question in the completely wrong spot

I tried linking for you once before and you didn't take it so well so let me just suggest politely that you read the forum rules when you get a free moment. Otherwise you may find that you are unable to give English lessons for a little bit while enjoy an imposed forum vacation.

Take care and don't bother replying as I will not be doing anything more to further detail this thread.

(No good deed goes unpunished appears to be the lesson. Next time I'll leave the uninformed to figure it out for themselves)