
will be updated daily,

items that are sold will be moved so no confusion

first come first server YOU send me an offer, i reply my asking price and we go from there, many people hate me in game but majority of the people i've dealt with would write a fucking angies list report, so put your feelings and beef to the side, im trying to help you out more than my self, trust me.. so maybe theres and item i have you might possibly want to build the most bad ass suit in game... Or i might need some of wearables you have!


4x bone containers

ruster anchor ( fishing reward from sos?) (1)

2x large daemons

2x skull pole ( dono item ) (2)

reaper statue (1)

medium spider webs (5)

small spider webs (3)

1 of a kind
Guardian of Easter Third Place Easter 2014 talk blueish/purplish very large statue

2x Red Dragon Heads

2x Brown Dragon Heads

4x hammer shards

120 tailoring

1/2 only on server rarest statue dropped from a dog, " dog hound statue "

bronze, gold, dull copper, copper BOD anvil rewards

a ruster bell ( fishing reward )

( blood red platemail )

2x lamp posts

4x lord british torches


3x wall banners

also any skill scrolls you may need PM of i MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGht have them for really really fair prices,

i'll accept dono coins At 165K per, will take items, so give me a list of what you got to trade for a trade, but i will at least need a 33.3% cash ORRR more pending on certain offers.


can u pm me price? im interested in 70% of items here ..

also, u soldyour ice white suit?


it was ice blue suit

post clearly stated YOU send me an offer first

and to be upfront and honest, the last 20 times i've talked to you, your always interested in something and never heard from again.... soo all i can say is PM your offer on the items you want and we shall go from there


Over half the server doesn't know the prices of these items. You'd probably have more luck if you were more open to negotiations instead if ignoring people and raging on people who inquire.
I want the bone containers and I'd offer 50k each but I feel like if I'm off in their price, you'd lose your shit


it was ice blue suit

post clearly stated YOU send me an offer first

and to be upfront and honest, the last 20 times i've talked to you, your always interested in something and never heard from again.... soo all i can say is PM your offer on the items you want and we shall go from there

cause i always look for a lot of things..and i cannot spend 20milion every week :p

btw no problem >^^