Elder Hall

Mr Wilson

Storm Crow has recently brought it to my attention that people have been dry looting the elder hall white chest. I have seen SonOfSams go in there numerous times and taking huge amounts of items. Today I recorded him doing this. I knew he was going to and told him i was recording, he looted it anyways! He simply does not care! Here is the link for the 2 minute video of him taking all of the good weapons and more items that me and others have just donated. http://www.filedropper.com/sonofsamsdrylootingelderhall

Figured i would suggest giving penalties to people who do this. Maybe some good jail time plus taking the items back for the Elder Hall? I also think maybe a 2 day IP ban sure would keep the scrubs away from dry looting it! (one or the other of course) Anyways just bringing this to everyones attention. Pretty sad someone thats been on the shard as long as he has needs to steal from noobs and beg people for gold to be able to have a functioning character in the game.

Forgot to add something in there, Ive watched many others do this in just the last few days. Just havent gotten the chance to record! *Sigh*
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Hi Mr Wilson, I will speak to Sonofsam regarding this.

Also that particular ice white donation chest you're referring to is an honor system of 'give and take' and everybody is welcome to access it. However the majority of donation chests within Elder Hall are secured and available only to Companions (and the blue donation chest sitting directly outside of Elder Hall can only be accessed by staff).

I frequently restock a few goodies in that particular Ice White chest in basement and immediately announce over [NEW] guild chat, so any items contained therein never last very long anyway. This is why the vast majority of donation items are housed in Companion-only accessible chests because sometimes even younger players will generously help themselves by dry-looting the ice chest.

If necessary players may pm me or another Companion to pick up large amounts of donation items if they're not comfortable leaving in that particular basement ice chest. But in the spirit of our Companion program I would like to continue to keep our Elder Hall open to all and avoid banning players.


It is really hard to manage this. Like @Desi said above... it is based around the honor system. We could limit it to young's only but then someone could just create a new account to loot it dry so what is the point?

I hope people don't do this but again there isn't a ton we can do to enforce it.


lol funny watching a large donator who is eqms steal from the little people.....

prolly trying to still pay back his fee to enter lol

Mr Wilson

AssHat, are you saying that Son Of Sams is a large donator? Also Either way that shouldn't matter. Swayze, I agree it is an HONOR system. There's no honor in taking everything in the chest, and then leaving and begging someone for gold right after. Jesus I mean the kid or guy whichever, has made like 300k from just begging the last 2 days. Clearly hes looting of the chest because he enjoys doing scummy things. I understand also that its hard to manage the elder hall but I do have a recorded video of him taking an entire bag of weapons as you can see in my first post :D.
I know I've used the word "Scummy" quite a bit in this post :p
I don't know if any of you are aware of this, but he also claims hes only 12 years old. So for him to be smart enough to try and use that as an excuse every time he does something scummy, means hes smart enough to know what hes doing is wrong. Another good reason why he should be penalized for what he has done. I do have the evidence to prove his wrong doing.

Something serious happened to me march 16th, and that's why i'm so upset about this type of stuff. It was a VERY serious life changing event. I just don't put up with scummy crap anymore.

If I record the elder hall and catch someone else doing this on film again. Will they get a penalty for their actions? Desi I dont want someone banned for 2 days for taking 3 items that they need. I want the long time big time players banned for 2 days for dry looting the chest.