Donation coin prices


I do believe this shard is suffering from inflation.... not more than 3 months ago 1k donation coins was going for around 120kish.


Inflation is not responsible. Supply/demand is.

Donation coin prices are through the roof because every end-game item worth a damn is on the donation vendor (or at the very least requires a donation vendor item--CBD, spellbook bless deed, pet ball). With the rest of the economy being completely undermined, everyone competes for donation coins.


So why have donation coins gone from 150k-160k to 180-190k in days?

New donation items added to vendors. (and pretty awesome items at that)

On top of that Christmas will be here shortly, many people are saving money for presents.

The counter to this was the house cellar addon which removed a huge sum of gold from the server, raising the value of gold.

If it wasn't for the house cellar coin value would already be around 250k per 1k in my opinion.