dec motm


theres the one at the entrance to despise and random ones walking around NW of brit near the mountains, them, orcs, headless and mongbats all around there


Personally I think it's great. despise will be a fun hot spot for pvp, and with the giant event going on for some weeks. there is no reason one cant farm one or the other and get some decent rewards.

I dont know HOW many of this "event spawn" that Ive killed but I know IVE got nothing but the standard gold that drops from these mobs and one, maybe two vanq weaps worth keeping. One can only kill so many things, get nothing "special" for thier efforts before they start to not play as much as they used to.....................

In short.....these "events" as usual, seem to benefit one main template and the others have to work twice as hard for the same results.
I know its hugely unpopular but I long for the day pets are removed. I know itll never happen but.....

aside from the one, maybe two mages and the scattering of dexxers on the scoreboard.....its dominated by meta tamers.
Like everything else in game.

Just me humble opinion/


Never was or will be a big fan of the obnoxiously OVER SIZED dragons myself. BUt I am super appreciative to have events, just that ya, it can get frustrating to farm grind for hours/days on end with not much in between to keep you going. Dunno, still enjoying really happy about ratmen motm myself. ;)