Deathbeetle vs. Meta 6

De Medici

Hi folks,

i heard that a well trained deathbeetle makes more damage than a meta 6 without relics.

Is that true?

Anybody has experiences here?



Can anybody else confirm that?

So Meta worth only if u have the money for 120 taming?
Relics add to it too. A level 6 meta with 3 relics >>> db. Hell a level 4 or 5 with 2 relics might be better than a db too depending. But without relics a level 6 meta is less than a db for farming.

Afro Man

don't forget with death beetle's poison above 110 they can poison a lot of mobs that are normally immune to poison of the player and magic cast by pets


A level 5 meta with QS will be far better than any DB For farming.

And a level 4 with QS and blood or molten MIGHT be better than a DB


But then again a good db is like 250k, a level 5 with QS costs at least 12 millions and up

De Medici

Ye Meta with relics seem to be incredible expensive. So would you say Meta 6 with Blood OR Molten makes more damage rhan a db?

Young Star

QS trumps everything. Not much can compete with a dragon with 300 dex.

Berserker talisman should have gotten that special attack. At least a scaled version of it.


I went the deathbeetle white wyrm combo over meta pet. I can farm almost anything except those paragon balrons, asw, aw.
i got 2.5m invested between the 2 pets.


Yes, you CAN kill almost everything, it just takes soooo much time. I Can kill 2 greater blood elementals in less than 20 seconds, same For a balron. And i Can be mounted which is much better when you get attacked.
Also paragons take infinitely less time, titan paragons die in a single QS proc and my meta barely gets damaged.
Also for a "pvp" tamer (no vet, no provo) a meta is a must if you want to farm.
I Can make 100k hour pretty easily and kill pks/oranges while at it

Tl;dr: there is a reason why metas cost 30 mil


I wouldn't recommend grinding XP on a meta without intending on getting a stone and relics eventually because that would be kinda silly. But if you were wondering about the effectiveness of a meta on the way to obtaining relics ..they are really nothing to sneeze at.

Don't forget a low budget lvl 6 meta with no relics is going to have 125 wrestle and resist to start with, meaning it will tank things a hell of a lot better than a DB. So even if it doesn't have quote the same DPS and also poison on hit to keep casting mobs on defense and's still going to have properties that are desirable against high level spawn.

Trust me, I ran a lvl 6 meta with only lvl 10 bloody talons for a long time. Long enough to beat the shit out of its resist (70's by the time I leveled) andd there were plenty of times I would take it over my 930hp DBs for its ability to tank. Without question. It may not seem like much but having 125 wrestle makes a substantial difference.

DB stats have a huge swing too so a lot depends on how good your DB is. There's about a 250hp difference between min and max hits and the dex has a pretty healthy swing as well. About 50 dex between mid and max.

Moral of the story: they have a different flavor but both are very capable of handling high end spawn. Ultimately the relics make the meta but even without any they absolutely still have their place. If you never intend on investing gold for relics then skip the meta unless you get it cheapzzz and leveled already. I'd just go with a good DB and be done with it.
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A level 6 meta doesn't have 140 resist lol. Not even a level 7

Level 7 has 140 magery, but resist is 110 or max 120, don't remember, but i'm totally sure it's not 140


Err yeah my bad it's 140 magery and poisoning. 125 wrestle and resist.

Still really big jump over 100.