custom housing and teleporters


Never had a custom house and want to start building one up.
I was looking into the menu on where to find teleprters, but i cant seem to find them, are they even on the menu ?

And do you get money back if you delete the walls and floors again ? or like a small portion same as when u demolish a house ?

thank you all.


On this section of the house customization menu:

XeuipOa.jpg that icon and you should then see a teleporter as one of the options. When you click it you will be prompted to pick a teleporter design type to place down.

To link teleporters, just use two of the same kind. The same style teleporters will teleport to each other.

You will recoup some costs if you decide to remove some of your design, but you always pay 10,000gp minimum to commit any changes, even if you are just reducing your house. So if you remove 9,600gp worth of design, you will pay 10,000gp and get nothing back.