client freeze using razor.


I was wondering if anyone out there had the same issue or an on going thing. But when I am playing any account with razor, I will randomly freeze. Not a world save at all but if I'm quick I'll get my character recalled it or hidden. Most of the time I end up dead lol. Any solutions to this besides reinstalling?


Try setting Razor in Compatibility Mode and choose "Windows XP SP3" and maybe click the check box to "Run as Administrator" as well helped out with some of the crashing issues. What OS are you currently running?


I'm Running Windows XP. Thank you for the quick tip, seems to be helpin. If it does it again, I am pretty sure it is just razor in general while steam never seems to skip a beat.

Li Meiyang

Thnks, this was very useful. 1 or 2 of my clients kept freezing up at sea and it was literally driving me bananas! This seems to have fixed the issue completely.