Can't connect with UOsteam/maybe missing game files


New Member
Hello everyone,

I just installed the launcher, it downloaded a pretty big patch, and then it said that I was ready to play. The first time I clicked the play button from the launcher, it started razor and I was able to set up my account and make my first character. But when I got into the world, everyone was naked and bald, some people I couldn't even see, there were black patches everywhere, and there were invisible things that I couldn't walk through. Someone in game said I should try patching again, but when I checked for updates it said there weren't any.

I played around with the options and chose to use steam as my preferred assistant - and now when I log in, I get stuck at verifying account.

I feel like I'm doing something majorly wrong or I missed some kind of step somewhere in the process of installing/patching/launching or something. Is there anyone that can help me? Or maybe point me to a list of steps to follow when first starting or something? I'm having a hard time finding something related to the problem that I'm having. I really appreciate your help!