WTS Buying a house in Moonglow


theres a little house next to mine that im sure they would sell cheap but its only like 8x12 or something, but it also touches guard zone. they are always just like standing outside their houses hanging out in moonglow.


theres a little house next to mine that im sure they would sell cheap but its only like 8x12 or something, but it also touches guard zone. they are always just like standing outside their houses hanging out in moonglow.
Yes Famara thats mine house that u show. ;) its builded for 120 k so if anyone interest u can mesage me :)


mine is small brick house it would be like 7x7 i think if you run behind mage and tailor shop run thru gate and run to the right for one sec =you will see the house with 4 vendors inside.


I certainly can divitity. PM me when youre usually online.

Its a 3 story 9x8 btw

If im not online, you can see it at:
10degrees x 59N and 130degrees x 42W

South East of the cotton field.


I have the 14x14 next to the bank, would possibly sell for 10m but certainly not for less than that.

Hell...even then I'm not so sure...

Li Meiyang

This house is kickass close to the teleporter:


I will sell it to you for 500k (plot only)

I know another spot where you can fit an 8x9 (or 9x8?) which I will show you for free.

PM or MSG me on IRC if you want to see it.