BUG?!? Need Help!!


New Member
I have the following template
100 Magery
100 Meditation
100 evailint
100 provoke
100 music
99.5 Cartography
99.9 Lockpicking
Now I have been deciphering high end treasure maps (Ingenious and Deviously drawn maps) in dungeons to get cartography skill gains but all I see is my wrestling skill go down and my skills never gain. I have checked and the wrestling skill is turned down but I cannot get the points I feel I am supposed to get to show up.
Today I was doing a Treasure map used lockpicking on the chest and it said my wrestling skill went down and didn't get a gain on lockpicking which ticked me off big-time because I have been trying to get that last .01 for weeks. I have checked the skills in Show Real and out of show real but they never go up. I paged a GM but all they did was reply with questions to which I had to resubmit another ticket with an answer to their question and wait 40 minutes or more for them to send me another question... I even asked them to come and speak with me so I didn't have to wait 40+ minutes for a question and nothing. Any help would be appreciated.


When you lost .1 wrestle without gaining .1 lp its because of show real. Always check show real for proper gains. Lp is slow but it will go up. You could always buy a +1 ss as well.


New Member
When you lost .1 wrestle without gaining .1 lp its because of show real. Always check show real for proper gains. Lp is slow but it will go up. You could always buy a +1 ss as well.
I do have show real on its not going up when I lose a point elsewhere. those are the only 2 skills turned up to gain from everything else is down and I keep losing a point in wrestling but not gaining in anything else. SHow real or not.


Are your stats changing? Your wrestle will go down of you are losing either strength or dex.

When you get a you have gained / lost .1 whatever skill message it is based on shown skill and that what usual confuses people.


New Member
Are your stats changing? Your wrestle will go down of you are losing either strength or dex.

When you get a you have gained / lost .1 whatever skill message it is based on shown skill and that what usual confuses people.
stats are all locked/maxed out. this is why I paged a GM and yet they were no help.