BOSS\MINIBOSS-->change to harrower--asylum\hitloth new


what about more boss-miniboss like Kalinga in Khaldun or Wrong Boss for the quest\treasure room, or Akor\Warlock in covetous?

having some more miniboss-boss.. can give player some more input\variety of pvm


-water dungeon, asylum and hitlot are awesome..but they are a litttle empty..give us a chance to use our beetle or gate in\out to save money and keep farming.. instead this dungeons will be new..but empty

-what about harrower? maybe give him more chance (25%?) to get dexxer relic and 25% to get metapet relics, will make ppl to desider to farm this , then ppl go come back champs to get skulls''?:)


out of like the 100ish harrowers we did..... results have been absolute shit, at times we'll get like 3 105 tailors


last week 3 harrower
0 120
2 115
some 110
a lot of 105

but the point is not this.. can be ok cause if we get all 120.. the game will be pretty boring after..but now RELICS are the thing to get..

make champs to get skulls ---> make harrower --> have some change get relics in the best case One metadexxer and One Metapets!