BODs - Don't Seem Worth The Ingots...


I think I figured out why Blacksmithy is so crappy... the low level rewards are seriously useless.

Powder of Fortifying is pointless. Gargoyle Pickaxe/Shovel is crap, mainly because no crafter has any fighting skills, Sure it increases your vein by +1, but I just about got 1 shotted from a valorite elemental... had to run... died in town from the poison. So I don't ever want to use them on my crafter!

Tailoring is nice because you can use the colored clothing. I'd like to see the Powder and Gargoyle items removed, and something else added. 1x Weapon dye item? Nifty house deco item?


Prospecting tool is a must.
Garg axes are also cool. You either have a char on a second account to deal with the ore elementals, or you mine in a guardzone. Or you have mining on a fighting char ofc..


Prospecting tool is fine. The garg pickaxe and powder are useless. A straight dexer couldn't kill one of those verite elementals, they hit almost as hard as an ogre lord and poison you...
Prospecting tool is fine. The garg pickaxe and powder are useless. A straight dexer couldn't kill one of those verite elementals, they hit almost as hard as an ogre lord and poison you...
Gargoyle Pickaxes are not worthless. My 1000 valorite ore can attest to that. Here is a tip. Mine hidden.
Don't the elementals' reveal the miner?
Im not sure I'll have to test it. I just do this thing called running and carry some Cure pots. Also a smart miner would do it in the GZ and just call the guards on the Elemental. Point is the G-Pick is not worthless


Im not sure I'll have to test it. I just do this thing called running and carry some Cure pots. Also a smart miner would do it in the GZ and just call the guards on the Elemental. Point is the G-Pick is not worthless

Guard Zone? You mine near a town? ... Also, it reveals you when it spawns.


It would take much longer than spamming mine 0,0 across a cave floor... just to remain "safe." Regardless, you still aren't killing the elemental because it's getting guard whacked...


Hey if you don't want to use one and think their worthless whatever. The rest of us will be turning verite into valorite.

They are, what do you use the Valorite ore for? When was the last time you completed a Valorite BOD? I've been getting 3 BODs a day for the past month and I've yet to even see a small Valorite BOD... let alone Agapite or Verite...

The BOD system is broke, the BOD rewards are broke. Would you like to hoard colored ore from your gargoyle pickaxe or get some type of new and usable reward?


I use the shit out of prospectors tools and garg picks everywhere.

Really useful stuff. Powder of fortifying not as useful, but I fail to see what should go in its place or why things need tweaked at all. It's a low end reward. I'm looking at bigger and better rewards and deeds which shouldn't be as common as junk deeds anyway. Better rewards need to be strived for not handed out like halloween candy.

Since the better deeds are dropping my colored ingots are actually being consumed. It's not uncommon to burn 250-350 ingots on a single BOD.

I'm not sure why you're so down on the rewards. I mean obviously you have had pretty bad luck with the BOD's you have gotten but it's random. The rewards themselves are just fine, they are practical and scale appropriately.
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I have full books to every colored ore and guess what, each one is in town... Call me noob if you want, but I don't ever sweat ingots to bods


I have full books to every colored ore and guess what, each one is in town... Call me noob if you want, but I don't ever sweat ingots to bods

Yes, that is on one hand awesome, and the other extremely noobed. But mainly awesome.

400 ingots to complete a small bod to get a prospectors tool or a garg picaxe isn't worth it. I don't want to be rewarded with a tool to go mine with, because mining is boring- I want an item I can wear or an item that is usable in another way. This way it can be sold and used by other non-miners.

A gargoyles pickaxe and prospectors tools are ONLY usable by miners, where as the lower end tailoring rewards, the sandals and the cloth, can be used by all players.
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