BOD Cloth?/Items


It's been a good minute since I've been on the shard. Last time I played BODs were kind of broken.

Could anyone tell me what the economy is like right now for BOD cloth and rewards from BS and Tailoring? I came back to my crafter's vendor having absolutely nothing but BOD cloth


T1-3 (minus blood red and mica) 1k a yard...the Blood Red around 5k a yard and Mica 3-5k a yard.

T4 depends...anywhere from 1-5k a yard

T5 is 5-10k a yard (Fallon, Blaze Ice White, Metallica Red 10-15k)

Gold and Vesper not sure as it is no longer available if you still have nay.
Not to stray off topic but why is there a 6 hour window with bods? I thought it used to be an hour in between to receive another.